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Delivery Time

  • Normal Delivery - 7 to 10 Business Days
  • Express Delivery - 4 to 6 Business Days

Shipping rates

  • Shipping is free on prepaid orders with normal delivery.
  • Rs. 99/- on express shipping. (Note: Express delivery only available on prepaid orders)
  • Rs. 100/- applicable on COD orders as cash handling fees.


We provide customization on all our Products. you can get your Photo, Logo or Text customized on your product. you will get all the options at the checkout.

  • Customizable

    All of our products are specially customized on customers demand. We provide customization in text and photo

  • Recycled

    We support for Greener Tomorrow. We believe Plantation isn't only way to save our planet but also not cutting trees or using recycled material is another way

  • Excellence

    We understand the purpose of purchasing our products and to meet customer's expectation, we give keen attention to details and quality along with the customer support.